Monday, April 25, 2011

Fifteen Goals for 2011

Fifteen Goals for 2011
1. Own a camera
2. Get a job
3. Be Proficient in Finance
4. Pay people back
5. Conceptualize my business
6. LEarn to cook
7. Find a girlfriend
8. Learn to sing
9. Establish business & non-business connections
10. Inspire people - Join Red Cross or something
11. Be proficient in the usage of English (writing and speech)
12. Be environment conscious
13. Develop my core (Abs)
14. Change may first name in my birth certificate. Have my birthday on government IDs revised
15. Attend church for four consecutive sundays

My 15 Goals for 2009

1. Do volunteer work - International Coastal Cleanup 2009
2. Major character change - Still working on it
3. Workout four times a week - Pending
4. Go home after office hours. No more DoTA - Resigned from office
5. Fall in love and love deeply. [Pathetic. Hahaha!] - Pending
6. Go back to the university and take graduate studies. - took MBA
7. Acquire "the DSLR" & a laptop - Bought both but camera got damaged
8. Study another language besides English & Filipino. [I'm currently thinking of Spanish]
9. Improve my writing skills in both Filipino and English.
10. Save the environment and this planet.
11. Attend church. [Pending..] - occasionally
12. Advocate my ideologies. [Volunteerism, Environmentalism, & ] - long way to go
13. Learn to cook extraordinary food. - pending
14. Have my birth certificate revised. - Won't happen. Too much bureaucracy in the Philippines
15. Take life one step at a time. [What if today was my or someone else's last?]

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