I've been working for a long time now and it's been a while when I last wrote anything. Not just an entry for this blog but in general, including my daily activities. Therefore, I thought that I need to refresh and hone my skills becuase I'm afraid it might deteriorate if I don't use it often.
So here's my entry after some (n) months, where (n) is grater than 1 year.
Today was the company's Christmas Party. Wait.. it was yesterday since its already morning.
I began by waking up late beacuse of the exhausting week. So, I rushed everything. I wrapped the gifts, packed the clothes and took a bath. It took me a long time, considering that I needed to be early in the office beacuse I had a deadline. *A deadline due on the company's Christmas party. Yup, unlucky me! Hihihi.*
Travel time was long, about 1 hour and 30 mins. It was kind of exhausting. I had with me a plastic bag full of cookies. About sixteen-750 ml containers. I arrived at the office at 11:30 AM.
I was out of time. I needed to finish the task due by 3PM becuase it needed to be bundled with my other teamates work and passed to the prject manager. Plus, I haven't had breakfast yet and lunch-time was approaching. And, to add to that, I have to give a gift to my friend DJ.
I was able finish everything, barely, but I wasn't able to write Christmas cards for my officemates so I ended up postponing the handing of the gifts away. We needed to rush to the party venue because it was far and, also, traffic.
The event was great, though, it still had room for some improvements. I think it would have been better if it was held at the office. By the way, I won a dry iron which I thought I might not be able to use. Hahahaha! Everyone was dressed well, except for some of the admin because they were not informed. Tsk tsk tsk. Some were mesmerizing since nobody has ever seen them wear glamorous clothes before.
The event ended at more or less 11 PM. There were a lot of things for us to bring. And heavy too; Christmas package, Kris Kringle gifts, clothes we wore earlier and the prizes we got. I ended up changing my plans to go home. I decided to pass by the office to drop off some of the heavy load. I got home at almost 2 PM with a basket of goods and a very large and heavy bag.
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