Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cramming Gift Purchasing

Today, I was planning to go to the gym. Unfortunately, I was still tired. I made up for the this weeks lack of rest and eventually started some of my chores at 11:30 Pm, but not before checking my plurk account. Hihihi

After finishing all the tasks at home, I traveled to SM Megamall to buy gifts for the relatives and the exchange gift later. It took me a while to reach a decision on what to give, luckily, I passed by a heritage shop that was selling old Filipino bills. I bought five(5) old five-peso bills and one(1) very old one-peso bill. I wanted to keep the one-peso bill but somehow destiny already had a plan. I also acquired a nebulizer and new filter replacements for the water filter. I still need to find something to give to my father, sister and a friends kid.

I was already late for the Christmas party, but when I arrived, it seemed that a lot of people were ill-informed. A lot of people did not show up. We ended up having an exchange gift with only 5 participants, including me. I received a Nestle gift certificate but lost the one-peso bill.

Arrived home tired but I was still able to check the plurk account and register to phplurk. Noticed that the status of 'object of my affection' said "had a sugar-rush, and shivering". Grabbed the opportunity.

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