Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Reason As to Why I Must Tell People I Like Them

Sometimes, whether we like it or not, we irritate people just by displaying our affection to them. The time comes that we notice and hesitate to do it again for fear of losing the person, angering him/her and loosing the status quo. I'm starting to look at a different perspective. It's trying to make people feel special about themselves.

Imagine the situation that the person is about to die tomorrow. People regret when they find out that this person that they barely knew, but is acquainted to, passes away and they didn't do anything to get to know them. On the other side of the spectrum, the person could have been much happier the day before if you complemented him/her. You could have made the person feel special at that moment. That, when the person is about to die, s/he would remember that at some point in time, someone gave importance to his/her existence.

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